Innovative solutions. Tailored for your industry.
The industry in the profile
General mechanical engineering
Current challenges
- growing model diversity
- increasing competitive and cost pressure
- compliance with the just-in-time delivery promise
Workpieces & materials
- all workpiece sizes and weights
- all materials, from light alloy, non-ferrous metal to cast iron and steel, stainless steel and special alloys; including hard machining in some cases
Requirements for production
- improved capacities and shorter idle times
- increased system availability
- high component quality guaranteed
- reduced machining times
- complete operation on one system by multi-tasking and 5-axis machining
- machine and application flexibility
- high process reliability and stability
- multiple clamping
- automation
HELLER industry solutions
General mechanical engineering
- flexible and stable machines with pallet changer (4- and 5-axis machining)
- direct loading machines with or without automation
- multi-tasking machines
- 5-axis machining centres and 5-axis milling-turning machining centres
- 4-axis machining centres with additional applications, HELLER facing slide solution, interpolation turning, for example
- automation/interlinking for lightly manned/unmanned shifts

Success stories
- large component production on FP 14000 5-axis machining centres at a German printing press manufacturer
- highly flexible component manufacture on 5-axis machining centres for an Austrian customer from the packing machine industry
- FP 6000 5-axis machining centre with 425 tool rack-type magazine for the precision manufacture of die plates for a German system manufacturer in the pharmaceutical sector
- eight H 4000 horizontal machining centres for producing clamping system components for a German gripper system manufacturer
- flexible yet economic production on the FP 16000 5-axis machining centre at a machine construction supplier. Also involving retrieving components from abroad
HELLER CNC machine tools
Tailored for your industry requirements

Sales & Services
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